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Showing posts from January, 2021

Joon Ma Living with a Toddler in Seoul—5 Things That Surprised Us

The five senses we are born with we allow us to perceive the world around us, but the level of their development at the time of birth varies from child to child. The first and most important sense by which the fetus perceives its surroundings is hearing, which enables it to know the sound of its mother's voice or the beating of her heart. Immediately after birth, the vision of the newborn is the least developed sense. How can you ensure the proper development of these and other senses? There is no better way than active stimulation! The development of eyesight from birth to the age of one 1 month old  has blurry vision (visual acuity is 30 times lower than in an adult's),  does not distinguish shapes and colours, because they blend together,  has not learned to focus on objects or people, let alone moving objects, the most visible objects for an infant are strongly outlined and black and white (and they are the most stimulating),  better perceives objects on the edge...

More DIY Kids Toys

Have you ever brought home a toy in a big box?  Some toys take a while to put together and by the time you are done, guess what?  The big-box has become the toy of the day.  We all have had this happen when our kids were little.  You have so many things around the house that can be made into creative and imaginative toys.  Your kids can help make a lot of them and also decorate them! One easy toy can be made from the Styrofoam trays that come with the packaged meat you buy at the grocery store.  You can easily make a model plane.  You cut out the body, wings and tail sections from the trays.  Using a knife, cut slits in the body for the wings and tail.  If wanted, your kids can decorate the plane.  The wings and tail are easily slid into the slits.  Once it is all done, they can toss it in the air and watch it soar!  Airplanes can easily be made of paper and decorated too.  These easy toys will give kids pride in their ac...